DANDELION: Full Tutorial, 35 Videos
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1 Covering the Stem: INTRODUCTION
1.1 The Stem : Tinting Clay
1.2 The Stem : Using Extruder ( with Base )
1.3 The Stem : Using Extruder ( No Base )
2. Making the YELLOW Dandelion: INTRODUCTION
2.1 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: Tinting
2.2 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: Cutting thin petals
2.3 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: Cutting the thick petals
2.4 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: Flower Centre
2.5 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: Preparing the thread
2.6 Making the YELLOW Dandelion: The Assembly
3.1 The BUD: Making DANDELION part 1
3.2 The BUD: Making DANDELION part 2
4 The Fluffy stage: INTRODUCTION
4.1 The Fluffy stage: Seeds
4.2 The Fluffy stage: 'The Parachutes'
4.3 The Fluffy stage: Calyx
4.4 The Fluffy stage: The Assembly
4.5 The Fluffy stage: Assembly tips ( video form )
5.1 The Foliage: Cutting out your leaf
5.2 The Foliage : Preparing the signature Dandelion vein
5.3 The Foliage: Using the Leaf VEINER
5.4 The Foliage: Twiddling your 'vein'
5.5 The Foliage : Attaching the vein to the leaf
5.6 The Foliage: Toning
5.7 The Foliage: Leaf , another shape, cutting out free-hand
5.8 The Foliage: How to mend the broken leaf
6.1 The ARCHIVE: My Making XL Leaf Experiment
6.2 The ARCHIVE: Using thread for fluff
6.3 The ARCHIVE: Making calix with a stick
6.4 The ARCHIVE: The Stem covering, free hand
6.5 The ARCHIVE: The yellow bloom's base